Tuesday, April 15, 2014

New lipstick holder / Nýr varalita haldari

I bought this acrylic lipstick holder on ebay which holds 24 lipstick. It hold the lipsticks that don't fit in my other lipstick holder. I really like organizing my makeup and this is one of the things I have been wanting for that purpose. 

Ég keypti þennan acrylic varalita haldara á ebay sem að heldur 24 varaliti. Þetta heldur varalitina sem passa ekki í hinna varalita haldarana mína. Mér finnst gaman að skipulegja málingardótið mitt og þetta er eitt af hlutunum sem ég hef langað í fyrir það.

The link/linkurinn

Monday, April 14, 2014

Make Up Store Haul / Make Up Store Kaup

I when to the Make Up Store last weekend on saturday and now I am finally showing what I got, the three thing were two eyeliners and a foundation.

Ég fór í Make Up Store seinustu helgi á laugadeginum og núna er ég loksins að sýna hvað ég fékk, hlutirnir þrír voru tveir eyelinerar og meik.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

A little Mac Haul /Iítil Mac Kaup

My sister in law was in the states and I asked her to for me a little bit of Mac because it's a lot cheaper over there. As the lovely person she is she when for me and got the four things I asked for. Two pigments, a brush and a concealer.

Mákona mín var í bandaríkjunum og ég spurði hana hvort að hún gæti keypt smá í Mac fyrir mig afþví að það er miklu ódýara þar. Eins og inndæl maneskja og hún er fór hún fyrir og keypti fjóru hlutina sem ég bað um. Tvö pigment, busta og hyljara.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

March monthly favorites/ Mars mánaðars uppáhalds

Like always the month goes by so fast and each month I try something new or switch things up. Most of the things are new but some are things I had and picked up and used again. My makeup was mostly light and natural but there was a little color here and there.

Eins og alltaf var mánuðurinn fljótur að fara og hvern mánuð reyni ég að prufa eitthvað nýtt eða breyti til. Flestir af hlutunum eru nýir en sumir eru hlutir sem ég átti og tók upp og notaði aftur. Förðuninn mín var í mestafall létt og nátturuleg en það var smá litur hér og þar.

What I used and why./ Hvað ég notaði og afhverju.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

FOTD: glow-y makeup with colorful lips

I wore this look the other day and I think it came out pretty great. It's light and not much on the eyes with bright lips. It took no time putting it on and lasted all night with a little reapplying the lipstick. I think I will be doing my makeup like this more often. I feel like it makes the face look so fresh.

What's on my face:

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Benjabelle sunflower brush tree unboxing

 I got my brush tree from Benjabelle in the mail the other day. I got the Sunflower kind which you can put diffrent sizes of the brushes. It makes it easier for your brushes to dry. the service was so great and the shipping was so fast, it took like 10 days total. I have been liking it so far.


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