Friday, March 28, 2014

Thing I have used up, empty stuff

When you have more beauty products then you could possibly need you don't always finish the products you have. There is always something new to try and you might forget to use something and they sit in the drawer. So when you use something up you must like it or you wouldn't be going back to it for some reason.

The 5 thing I have here are thing that I used up and really love but the question is will I buy these again?

Monday, March 24, 2014

a Little ombre at home, my ''new'' hair

Yesterday I when out to buy hair dye for my mom and saw they had two kinds of ombre hair dye one for dark brown to light brown hair and one for dark blonde to light blonde. I stood there and though ,, should I try it out today?,,. Thats one thing about me, most of the time with my hair and what to do with it I do it in spur of the moment. I ones dyed my bangs red the same day I thought of it . I like taking little risks with my hair to see how it would look on me. The dye I ended up buying was the blonde one because I thought It would make more of a difference to my hair.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Sugarpill Cosmetics haul/unboxing

I ordered the 4 palettes of eyeshadows that Sugarpill  makes. I have heard very good this about this brand and their products. Most of their products are vegan and are not tested on animals. The packaging is well made, looks adorable and the palettes all have mirrors inside.

The package came quicker that I expected, the site said it may vary from 2-6 week for
 international shipping but I ordered mine on the 10th of March and was sent the day after and it got here to Iceland 9 days after I ordered it with me picking it up the day after that. Saying that I think the service was excellent and I will definitely order from them again.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

My Go-to on the run/on the go products

When Im running late or don't have the time for doing my makeup I have to make it quick and easy for on the go. There have been times were I did my makeup in the car (when I not the driver) on the way somewhere or in the bathroom making me look more pleasant. These products are good for those moments and if I just need fix my makeup or change it from day to night.

1. Urban decay Naked flushed.  A blush, a bronzer and a highlighter all in place. The coloring is so beautiful and natural with a good color pay off.

 2. Rimmel Stay matte powder in Translucent. A light powder which takes the unwanted shine away.

Monday, March 17, 2014

A very natural make up, quick and easy

This shows you how a little make up does wonders without been too much and too noticeable. When I have done make up on young models who are like 13 years old and aren't suppose to be wearing a lot of make up and going for that natural, this is kind of what I do with a few changes depending on the person. Basically light eyes, light face makeup with a not too heavy foundation and a little gloss on the lips. 

Makeup vs no make up 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Turquoise and gold, eye look

 I wanted to try these colors together with some glitter. I think it came out great with the eyeliner sharp and drawn on bottom lashes at the end.


Thursday, March 13, 2014

My new small makeup kit, Zoeva Makeup tote bag

I ordered this bag with some other thing from love makeup uk on monday last week and I got it on friday last week, really fast getting here. The reason behind this buy is that I have wanted a smaller bag to take my make up with me when Im doing makeup, like when I know the person and want they or need. Im still figuring out how it is best to pack but it can take a lot of make up and it's easy to carry. It has three compartments, fake leather and easy to clean.

Link for the bag: Zoeva tote bag 

Photos :

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Purple lips? (product love)

(Inglot freestyle lipstick no. 99)
Darker in person

Like you do with red lips, I have been looking for the perfect shade of purple lipstick for me and I think I might have found it. This is a deep sort of purple, cool toned and I am over the moon that I found this shade. The lipstick is pigmented and goes smooth on. Would I go out in public wearing this? The answer is Yes! I feel that I could rock this lipstick. The question is what do you pair it with? A classic winged eyeliner and little contour on the eyes and cheekbones with a hint of light cool tone pink blush might do it so that doesn't take away from the lips or if you want to go for a darker look, maybe a grey or black smokey eye. 


Saturday, March 8, 2014

Saturday shopping trip / Laugadags verslunnar ferð (haul)

I did a little shopping with one of my best friends. We went to the mall, I wanted to go to the Bobbi Brown counter to buy the gel liner they sell. I ended up buy a some other things which I am happy with. We got some lunch, she got some coffee fancy concoction and a date(fruit) brownie and I got my self Serrano super nachos and guacamole on the side. The food was really good.  

The things that I bought were from I am , Bobbi Brown, Inglot and from Real techniques as you can see on the photo.

Ég fór að versla smá með einni af bestu vinkonum mínum. Við fórum í kringluna, mig langaði að fara hjá Bobbi Brown borðinu til þess að kaupa gel linerinn sem þau selja. Ég endaði á því að kaupa nokkra aðra hluti sem ég er mjög ánægð með. Við fengum okkur hádegismat, hún fékk sér einhverja flókna kaffi blöndu og döðluklatta og ég sjálf fékk Serrano super nachos og auka guacamole með. Maturinn var mjög góður.

Hlutirnir sem ég keypti voru frá I am, Bobbi Brown, Inglot og frá Real techniques eins og sést á myndini.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Monthly favorite things February / Mánaðars uppáhalds hlutir febrúar (monthly favorites)

February went by fast. I was mostly busy with school and the gym. The things that I picked this month are a few things I used and really liked for some reason. 
Febrúar var fljótur að fara. Ég var mest upptekin við skólan og ræktina. Hlutirnir sem ég valdi þennan mánuð eru nokkurir hlutir sem ég notaði og virkilega líkaði við útaf einhverjum ástæðum.

The things / Hlutitnir 

What and why / Hvað og afhverju 


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