Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A little haul

My little haul 

So this is my first haul blog post so bear with me :).
so there's this beauty website called beautybay, I have ordered there before, buying the Naked and the Naked 2 palette and some other things. I get emails from them telling me about sales and that kind of stuff. I got an email on my birthday (31st Dec.) saying that because it was my birthday they were giving me a coupon code for 10% off that would last till the following week. I went on the site the next day and I saw they were having a sale and also that they had the Naked basics palette and I had been waiting for it. I bought the Naked basics palette and the Beauty blender (the bright pink one), I also got the Premier Service which is like 2 pounds or something (you get a free random sample with that :))

What I got 

The sample I got 

I got a sample of a leave in conditioner (for all types of hair) from Milk_shake.
I tried it a little and it's really nice and it smells like a candle from Bath and body works called Homemade cookies if you need a smell reference :).

Well this is my first haul :)
I hope you liked it, please leave a comment and tell me what you think :) 

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