Monday, December 31, 2012

Goals for the year (2013/January)

This is a post about the goals that I'm setting for this year, both over all and then more specific goals for the first month, and I hope to do that for the other 11 months. I might do updates for some goals and my progress. It's ok if I don't finish something but I will try my best :)

My goals for 2013

  • To run 5 k with the help of a running program 
  • Lose weight (I know that a lot of people have this goal but I think I'm ready to take this on) 
  • Try new things 
  • Be more spontaneous
  • Learn a new language
  • Learn to cook more, and different types of food
  • Save up some money 
  • Keep posting on the blog 
  • Upload more videos 
  • Read more 

January goals

  • Post 2-3 days a week on the blog 
  • Upload 2-3 videos to Youtube this month
  • Clean, sort and throw away things in my room 
  • Read one book 
  • Go to the gym 2-5 week like I have been doing, just keeping it up 
  • Do something I haven't done before

What are your goals?
Please comment and tell me :)

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Nails of the week (week 6)

(This post is 2 days late due to internet problems :/ )
This week I was in the mood to have girly and fun nails, I saw a nail look that inspired me to do this :)
I love every thing about this look.

What I used

Left: Max factor(juicy plum)Middle:O.P.I. (Alpine snow) Right: Bourjois nail polish(Nr. 26)

for base&top coat 
Sassi (Garlic strengthener)

tape and a dotting tool (Or you can use a toothpick)

How I did it 

1. I started of with clean nails with nothing on them

2. I put on one coat of base coat polish to protect them from less damage and let them dry
3. I put on 1 coat of the pink and let dry
4. I put on some tape on where I wanted to split the colors
5. I  put on the purple color then removed the tape and let it dry
6. I used the dotting tool to make small dots on the pink part with the smaller end, and then let dry
7. I made bigger dots on the purple part with the bigger part of the dotting tool, then let dry
8. Put on a top coat to seal the polish and let dry

I hope you like it 
please comment and tell me what you think :)

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Happy holidays !! :D (Ramble post)

Happy holidays !

I feel like this time of year is always my favorite. This year went by so fast that before I knew it December 24th came. Where I live we open the presents on the evening of the 24th. I'm not really a busy person so when this month started I an unusual amount of things to do, and things like the blog and my Youtube videos were on the back burner. I still posted the nails of week but didn't do much more than that on the blog.

 I know that I started this blog for me mostly, to have something that made me have a schedule and to have a place that I could make my ideas seen or just to say what's on my mind. The goal is not to try to become famous or anything that isn't up to me, that said I'm just a person who wants to have a blog and hopes that someone reads the post even if it is just one person, that would make my day. I haven't always been the type of person thinks good thing about herself. I know that almost everybody goes through this and everybody has bad moments where they only think about the bad things or things that could have been. I'm finally thinking more positive thoughts and starting to believe in myself, starting to do things I want to do and taking the road I think is the way I'm supposed to take. Since I was about 15 or 16 I've usually felt down this time of year, I didn't get into the holiday spirit but that might be just a thing that happened naturally when I grew older and was experiencing the holiday in a new way. Not as a child but as a teenager. Now I just relax and try not to over think things, hehe. 

Sorry for my rambling but I'm just human :) and I like to vent sometimes, I hope that's ok.

I hope you had a nice holiday and did something fun :D.

Here is a picture of my families tree. It's a fake tree but I love it and it's mine :)

Till the next :).

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Nails of the week (week 5)

So my nails are still holiday themed, but I mean it's only a month or so a year.
This week it's a white tree with a pink background 

What I used

L.A.Color Art Deco left:(white)  Right: (baby pink)

OPI top coat and base coat 

How I did it 

1. I started of with clean, dry nails with nothing on them
2. I put on one coat of base coat polish to protect them from damage and let them dry
3.I put on two coats of the pink (baby pink) and let dry
4. With the white I made a triangle shape, then made another a smaller one on top of the first one, then one more even smaller than the middle one then let it dry
5. Put on top coat then let dry.

I hope you like it,
please comment and tell me what you think :)

Have a happy holiday :)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Nails of the week (week 4)

This week I was kind of busy so I did my nails simple but they still have a holiday look to them.
It's like a french manicure but with a holiday twist.

What I used 

Left :Bourjois nail polish(Rose lounge), Middle:L.A.Color Art Deco(White), Right:Depend(Nr 279)

OPI base and top coat

How I did it 

1. I started off with clean nails with nothing on them.

2. I put on one coat of the base coat polish to protect them from damage and let it dry
3. I put on the light pink color and let it dry
4. I made a line on the outer 1/3 of the nail then started to smaller ones that didn't touch at the end, some small and some big so it got the effect I wanted. Let it dry.
5. I put the gold glitter polish on the the white part ( I did that just on my ring finger ) then let dry.
6. i finished of with a top coat and let dry. 

I hope you like it 
please comment and tell me what you think :)

happy holidays :D

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

bronze eye look (video)

What I used:
Nars eýe primer 
Mac eyeshadow in phloof!
Mac eyeshadow in wedge
Mac eyeshadow in bronze
Gosh pencil eyeliner in black
Mac eyeshadow in vanila
Maybeline mascara 
Mac blush in well dressed
Body shop lipstick in 57

Music: cut and run by kevin Macleod

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Nails of the week (week 3)

This week I was in a Holiday mood so I decided to do candy cane inspired nails. I think they're really fun and easy to do :) and perfect for the holidays :).

What I used 

Left: MAKE UP STORE(Desiree) Right: L.A.Color Art Deco (white)

OPI top coat and base coat 

How I did it 

1. I started of with clean nails with nothing on them.
2. I put one coat of base coat to protect them from damage and to let them dry.

3. I put two coats of the red polish (Desiree) then let it dry.
4. I started by using the white polish (the polish I used has a thin brush) to do strips on the nails like a candy cane (It is helpful to make dots for guidelines so you can make a steady line) then let it dry
5. Put on a top coat then let dry.

I hope you like it 
please comment and tell me what you think :)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

New video :)

Frosty red lip holiday look 

What I used 

Nars eyeprimer 
Nyx jumbo eye pencil in Milk 
Body shop eyeshadow in Minilist white (shimmery white)
Mac eyeshadow in Quarry 
Mac eyeshadow in Vanilla 
Make Up Store brow trio (middle shade)
Mac fluidline in blacktrack 
Maybeline falsies mascara 
Maybeline lipliner in 547 pleasure me red 
Mac lipstick in Russian red

Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies  by kevin Macleod

I hope you like it :)

Friday, November 30, 2012

monthly favorites (November 2012)

It's the end of November and because of that I decided to do a blog talking about my favorite beauty products of this month. I thought about what I used the most and these were the products.

This month 

Why and what

Mac lipstick in impassioned.. this photo doesn't do it justice, it is a beautiful lipstick. On the mac website it is described as amped-up fuchsia which is so true. I have been wearing it a lot this month, both full on and also by just dabbing it on the lips. This is a color that, in my opinion goes well with both dark and light eye make up, and also works at both day time and night time. It is a great color and has been my "go to" lipstick this month.

 EOS lip balm.. This lip balm has been a great help for my lips this month. It has been cold this month where I live and I have probably used this every single day. This keeps my lips fresh and moisturized. 

Make Up Store brush Nr. 216.. This brush you can use for any cream or liquid products. I use it mainly as a concealer. This month I kept grabbing for it, I was trying out a new concealer and this was the best brush for me to use with it. I had never really used this brush to a any real degree but I started to like it more and more and now it is one of my favorite brushes and if I lost it I would buy it again. 
Rimmel London blush in 006 Autumn catwalk.. This is a really nice blush that had three colors that can both be used together or each on its own. I use it in a few different ways using the lightest as a highlighter or the darkest as a sort of ''contour'', so I have been using most of the month. I have had it for some time now and I keep going back to this blush, though more in the fall/winter time than in the spring/summer time. It looks very good on me and I have fair/pale skin, but I think it would look good on most skin tones, and it's really pigmented and nice.

 Smashbox High definition concealer in fair..  I think that this is one of the best concealers that I have ever tried. It is a light and highly pigmented concealer that blends like a dream and hides under eye circles, all redness and blemishes. I got this the first of the month and I have used it ever since. I got this concealer in a Smashbox kit along with a primer and a foundation but I haven't been using those as much. I use the Make Up store brush nr.216 for this.

 Clinique BB cream in the shade 01.. I bought this BB cream this past summer when the BB cream had come to my country. They had only come from a handful of brands and they were all high end, so I decided to buy one from Clinique to try out and see if I like it. And I really like it. It is the perfect shade for me and it covers the redness on my face very well. I use my hand to apply it using circular motions and I have not had any problems with it so far.

 Bourjois nail polish in 44 Bleu model.. I bought this nail polish this summer. I think its really pretty and I love having it on my nails. It is a nice polish and it stays on, and is really glossy. I have it on my toenails at the moment. I keep going back to it when I don't know what to wear on my nails. This will be a re-buy for sure.

What were your favorites this month :) ?

leave a comment :)

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Nails of the week (week 2)

This week I painted my nails in a dark purple color, with white and silver stripes with glitter at the base. I have always been a fan of stripes on nails, and I am in love with this glitter polish. It has multicolored glitter and flakes in cool dark colors. It was really fun to make.

What I used
Left: L.A.girl Glitter addict(Celebrate) Right: Maxfactor max effect(38 Purple haze)

L.A.Color Art Deco, Left: (Silver), Right: (white)



OPI base and top coat

How I did it 
1. I started of with clean, dry nails with nothing on them
2. I put one coat of base coat polish on each nail to protect them from damage and let it dry
3. I put on two coats of the dark purple polish (Called Purple haze) and let it dry
4. I made stripes on the nails (some nails white and some nails silver) and let it dry
5. I put on the glitter polish (Celebrate) and put it from the base of the nail up to about a 1/3 of the nail and let it dry
6. I finished of with a top coat and let it dry

I hope you like it,
please comment and tell me what you think :)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My first youtube video

Today I uploaded my first video on Youtube! This is really exciting.
It's short, sweet and easy. I went with a golden holiday eye look, because I'm in a holiday mood :)

It's only 4 minutes long, so it's an easy watch.

I really hope you like it.

What I used:
Clinique BB cream
Smashbox high definition concealer
Nars eyeprimer 
Blackout (black) from naked 2
Tease (brown) from naked 2
Half baked (gold) from naked 2
Mac fluidline in blacktrack
Gosh kohl eyeliner in black
Maybeline falsies mascara 
Mac browpencil in Lingering 
Mac blush in harmony (contour)
Mac blush in well dressed 
Mac m.s.f.n. In light (powder)
Mac lipstick in Impassioned (pink)
Mac lipstick in Russian red (red)

Song: Cut and run by Kevin Macleod.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Nails of the week (week 1)

This week I made my nails bright and exotic. It's a look that's more for the summer months.
I chose this look because the days are getting darker where I live and I don't see much sun,  so I've been a little blue lately and felt like making my nails bright and "summery".

What I used
Left: MAKE UP STORE (Olle),right: Depend nr.034

OPI top coat and base coat

How I did it 
1. I started of with clean nails with nothing on them
2. I put one coat of base coat on each nail to protect them from damage and let it dry
3. I put one coat of the gold polish (Olle) on each nail and let it dry
4. I took a cosmetic sponge and painted the end of the sponge with the pink polish and then took the gold polish and put some where the pink ended and a little over where the colors met so they would blend a little, so it would make a gradient effect on the nail
5. Then I started to sponge it on a nail, used another end and do the same to the other nails, then I let it dry. 
6. I took the pink and put a little on the ends of the nails just where it was needed and let that dry for a while.
7. I put on the top coat and let it dry.

I hope you liked this post :D

I will be hopefully posting ''Nails of the week'' weekly :)

Steinunn S.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Hello there :)

Hi. I'm starting a blog about make-up, things related to beauty, and just life in general :)

I'm going to be posting photos and videos that are make-up related, some tutorials, and other stuff.
This has been in the works for a long time, because I love experimenting with make-up and
trying out new things and new products, trying to find something new and fun. I am always learning new things and I would like to blog about them, even though it's something small. And sometimes I will just say hello and update a little about my life. :)

Steinunn S.


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